Core Vaccines Tetanus – an often fatal disease caused by a potent neurotoxin from the anaerobic, spore-forming bacterium, Clostridium tetani. o Annually or at the time of a wound or surgery Eastern/Western Equine Encephalitis (EEE) – a neurologic disease caused by a virus which can be transmitted by mosquitoes. Typically 90% of EEE cases die from the disease. o Annually or bi-annually depending on risk factors including mosquito prevalence, travel and time of spring vaccine Rabies – an infrequently encountered neurologic disease of horses. While the incidence of rabies in horses is low, the disease is fatal and has considerable public health significance. o Annual Booster West Nile Virus – A neurologic disease of horses typically spread from one infected animal to another by biting flies or mosquitos. Horses represent 96.9% of all non-human mammalian cases of WNV disease. o Twice yearly recommended Non-Core Vaccines Equine Influenza (Flu)- Competition Horses o Every 4-6 months Rhinopneumonitis (Rhino)- Equine Herpes Virus o Twice a year or more frequently if warranted Potomac Horse Fever o Annually or bi-annually for horses in high risk areas living near water, or for horses travelling South